Ser Sonido
Rodrigo Cotelo

Being Sound is a concept way beyond the name of an album. It alludes to the moment some describe as spiritual, in which a musician loses its individuality and conscience of existence transforming herself/himself into something abstract, without time or form, in channel of a superior will that manifests through her/him and constantly evolving.
During improvisation, interpretation or composition the instrument is just a psychic extension necessary to reach that climax where musical intelligence is an aural entity channeling through one self.
“Being Sound” is not a state only for and by musicians but also for the listener that is able to bond with them and emotions bloom due to the sounds and sensitivity. Blessed those that are able to experience sensations with music!
Musician, Composer, and Producer Rodrigo Cotelo's second solo release "Ser Sonido" now available through Instru Dash Mental Records.
Originally recorded in 2010 at Berequetum studios in Montevideo, Uruguay by Luis Ravizza (also featured in Vocals and Melodica), there is a clear state-of-the-art audiophile experience in the sound of the record. The album also counted with the support of FONAM (Fondo Nacional de Música); Uruguayan funds for music development not-for-profit.
Following up to Rodrigo's first solo release "Vieja Mochila", "Ser Sonido" is a clear snapshot of Rodrigo's immersion into Jazz as a vehicle to develop his compositions as well as those of his collaborators at the time; pianist/composer Fabrizio Rinaldi (with whom he released "Biendonado" in 2004) and bassist/composer Álvaro Pacello.
With the participation of a stellar cast of Uruguayan and Argentinean session players, Ser Sonido's concepts and philosophy take the listener into a journey that starts on Latin Jazz, stylistically traveling all the way to chamber music and all the possible shades in between them.
Track Titles
1) Pa' Ti (feat. Ramiro Flores)
2) Esencia Mía (feat. Mauricio Trobo)
3) El Alma Blanca del Lago I
4) Y se vino la Noche... (feat. Ramiro Flores)
5) Oportuno (feat. Sergio Wagner)
6) Inerludio para Egberto
7) Del Alma (feat. Rodrigo G Pahlen)
8) El Alma Blanca del Lago II
9) Candome Fuerte (feat. Nacho Labrada)
10) Sarita
Production and Musical Direction by Rodrigo Cotelo
Music and arrangements written by Rodrigo Cotelo with the exception of: "Pa'Ti" and "Candombe Fuerte" composition by Fabrizio Rinaldi;"Y Se Vino la Noche" and "Del Alma" composition by Alvaro Pacello; "Sarita" composition by Rodrigo Cotelo and Alvaro Pacello
Recorded at Berequetum Studios (Montevideo, Uruguay) by Luis Ravizza, Martin Berloto, and Rodrigo Cotelo. Guitars recorded at Instru Dash Mental studios by Rodrigo Cotelo
Appearances by Alphabetical order:
Álvaro Pacello: 8 String Bass on "Sarita" and "Y Se Vino la Noche".
Andrés Pigatto: Upright Bass on "El Alma Blanca del Lago I&II", "Oportuno", "Interludio para Egberto", and "Del Alma".
Fernando Nathan: Piano on "Interludio para Egberto".
Gastón Ackermann: Flugelhorn on "El Alma Blanca del Lago I&II".
Ignacio "Nacho"Labrada: Piano on "Pa'Ti", "Candombe Fuerte", and "Oportuno.
Juan Canosa: Trombone on "Oportuno".
Leo Varga: Cymbal Rolls.
Luis Ravizza: Vocals on "Pa' Ti", "Y Se Vino la Noche", and "Sarita". Melodica on "Sarita".
Marco Messina: Electric Bass on "Pa'Ti", "Esencia Mía", "Y Se Vino la Noche", and "Candombe Fuerte".
Martín Berloto: Guitar solo on "Esencia Mía"
Martín Cruz: Drums on "Esencia Mía", "Del Alma", and "Y Se Vino la Noche".
Martín Gaviglio: Percussion on "Pa'Ti", and "El Alma Blanca del Lago II".
Martín Ibarburu: Drums on "Pa'Ti", "Candombe Fuerte", and "Oportuno".
Mauricio Trobo: Synthesizer on "Pa'Ti", "Esencia Mía", and "Candombe Fuerte". Piano on "Esencia Mía".
Nicolás Galván: Percussion on "Pa'Ti", "Y Se Vino la Noche", "Interludio para Egberto", and "Candombe Fuerte".
Ramiro Flores: Tenor, Alto, and Baritone Saxophones.
Rodrigo Cotelo: Electric, Acoustic, and Synth Guitars; Percussion.
Rodrigo G Pahlen: Piano on "Del Alma".
Sergio Wagner: Trumpet on "Oportuno".
Audio Mixing and Mastering by Martin Berloto at Berequetum studio, Montevideo, Uruguay
Cover art, Design and Photography by Claudia Moreira
Promotional Images